16 Annoying Things That Happened In Your Gcse Exams

The Invigilator Constantly Staring at You

Your Pen Suddenly Stops Working

That One Question You Completely Blanked On

The Person Next to You Constantly Tapping Their Pen

Forgetting to Bring Essential Exam Supplies

The Exam Hall Being Uncomfortably Hot or Cold

Accidentally Misreading the Question

The Invigilator Interrupting You to Announce Time Remaining

Struggling to Decipher Your Own Handwriting

Accidentally Spilling Water on Your Exam Paper

The Exam Hall Erupting in Coughing or Sneezing Fits

Forgetting to Write Your Name on the Exam Paper

The Invigilator Strictly Enforcing Exam Rules

Accidentally Bubbling the Wrong Answer on the Scantron

The Exam Hall Feeling Like a Sauna Due to Overcrowding

Forgetting to Bring a Watch or Clock

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